- From 1988 to 2004 there was a 1% to 4.5% increase in the prevalence of pediatric hypertension in the U.S.
- In 2010, 5.2 million (31%) strokes were in children (aged 20 years old and younger) and young and middle-aged adults (20-64 years), to which children and young and middle-aged adults from low-income and middle-income countries contributed almost 74,000 (89%) and 4 million (78%), respectively, of the burden.
- Studies have shown that 34 to 38% of children and adolescents with mild untreated hypertension already show signs of left ventricular hypertrophy.
- Children and adolescents do not consistently receive a blood pressure measurement. Blood pressure screenings occur in 67% and 35% of preventative care and ambulatory visits, respectively.
- Recent studies have shown that 40% of pediatricians are uncomfortable with diagnosing and evaluating pediatric hypertension.
Risk Factors:
- HTN in childhood is considered as a risk factor for early adulthood HTN; sleep disorders, CAD, CVD, CHD, heart failure, strokes, and endothelial dysfunction
- malnutrition / obesity
- genetics
- prematurity
- lifestyle factors
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